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Year 4

`Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.` 

Norman Vincent Peale 


Hello and welcome to Year 4! 

In our class, you will find Mrs Snelson and Mrs Hatch. We are very excited for all the learning that this year will bring.  


Teachers: Mrs Snelson

Support Staff: Mrs Hatch

What's new:

Our Autumn Curriculum overview.



PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.  We have 'Fit Kids' on a Wednesday this half term too. Please keep PE kits in school for this.  

Please remember to bring reading books and records to school every day. 

Home learning will be on the website on Fridays and is due in on Tuesdays. 

Home Learning:

Home Learning will be posted on the Year 4 page of the school website on a Friday. Home learning needs to be returned the following Tuesday. Please continue to read daily with your child and record your reading in your child's reading record.

Useful Links: 



English and Topic: 

Get in touch: 

Please feel free to contact us using our class email address: