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Physical education and sport develops children into physically confident, skilful and healthy pupils.

Our PE curriculum is developed with Premier Education, and it supports all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports as well as enjoy non-competitive fitness-based activities. We focus on the whole child to develop values such as teamwork and fairness. We encourage children to develop good habits so that they continue to maintain healthy and active lifestyles beyond their time with us. 

Classes in KS1 and KS2 have two lessons a week, of which at least one is taught by a Premier Education specialist teacher. Reception also receive lessons from a specialist teacher.

Stevenage football club provides additional learning and well-being clubs while training and developing the teacher's skills further. These sessions run once a week and are in addition to the set PE lessons.

Throughout the year, additional workshops and activities are arranged to develop a love for physical activity, improve fitness and develop skills.

Children in Years 4 and 5 have completed swimming sessions this year.